UNIDRILL tricone roller bit suitable for bored drilling core barrels

Unidrill Roller bit could totally meet the requirements of different rock geological conditions and suitable for different brands of bored drilling core barrels. Unidrill tricone roller bit are covered with 14mm carbide cones, common holder locking by pins. Working applicaiton of Unidrill roller cone bit: suitable for 80-160Mpa hardness rock, the drilling pressure of Unidrill roller bit is 200KN-350KN.



Contact Information

Address: Xingsha International Enterprise Centre, Luositang Road, Xingsha, Changsha 410000, P.R.China

 Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 13647327093, Tel: (86)731-8403-0163

Email: info@unidrillgroup.com

Website: www.unidrillgroup.com